Figure 8. Integrating art therapy into our work for the first time, our team includes art therapists from Johannesburg, South Africa, and art therapy students from a university in the UK. In this image, Grade 6 boys are exploring self and family through the creation of a series of large collaborative murals on paper. The AAG team is seated on the floor with the boys, facilitating the artmaking around the main themes. As the entry point we asked each boy to trace the outline of their hands and to add personal imagery linked to opening circle activities and an “I Am” poem. We chose the handprint as these are a powerful mark of our individual identities. Next steps included drawing more personal imagery around the hands before moving into visualizing and drawing connections between themselves, their friends in the group and the broader community of Illavalai. Teachers and counselors from the school are walking around observing the processes and assisting with translation needs.
ArtsAction Group