Introduction and significance
In American cities, which are segregated by where people live and routinely travel (Candipan et al., 2021), streets can reveal spatial injustices at play. City streets are not only conduits of movement but also shared spaces for everyday activities and social interactions. They include spaces of public claim such as sidewalks and public squares, spaces of private claim such as porches, and spaces of occupiable claim such as shops and services into which people can enter (Anderson, 1975). From a use perspective, streets host necessary, optional, and social activities (Gehl, 1987). Necessary uses of space, such as walking through a lot to get to a bus stop, take place regardless of the quality of the physical environment; optional uses, such as, reading under a shade, depend on what the place has to offer; and social uses, such as meeting friends at a park, occur when different people opt to converge in a particular place. In many racialized and low-income neighborhoods, discriminatory policies such as redlining, zoning, disinvestment, and policing have undermined the diversity and vitality of street spaces, limiting their usage to necessary activities rather than optional and social ones (Sutton and Kemp, 2011).
This article presents a case of interdisciplinary research and creative inquiry collaboratively undertaken by community and university partners to inform an arts-integrative city initiative that embraces street life to enhance shared spaces and advance community wellness at the neighborhood scale. It focuses on the ARTery (Figure 1), a cultural corridor connecting historic neighborhood squares and commercial areas in Boston’s City Council District 7 (D7), comprising Roxbury and parts of the South End, Dorchester, and Fenway. With a strong presence of Black and Latinx communities, the district experienced inordinate health, economic, and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, due to underlying conditions of racial discrimination and inequality (Jolicoeur and Mullins, 2021). The ARTery uses the city street—including sidewalks, open spaces, shops, and other amenities at the walkable scale of the neighborhood—to center the cultural identities of local communities rooted in the arts. Beginning with the background and context, the article focuses on the participatory planning and design research for the ARTery, including the pedagogical approach and teaching methods applied to Northeastern courses, and discusses initial results and reflections.
Background and context
In November 2021, Tania Fernandes Anderson became the first Muslim American, African immigrant, and formerly undocumented person elected to the Boston City Council (Figure 2)—specifically, to represent District 7. Her previous experiences working as Executive Director of Bowdoin Geneva Main Streets, a parent advocate with the Boston Public Schools, a program manager for a homeless women’s shelter, a small business owner, a trauma-informed social worker, and foster mother/caregiver made her keenly aware of the structural racism baked into Boston’s built environment. Among Anderson’s immediate priorities was to address the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on small businesses and public spaces in Roxbury, along with the lack of safe, well-maintained open spaces for communities to gather outside, through strategic community-based public investments. Shortly after entering office, Anderson invited the author, Lily Song, an urban planner who was teaching at Northeastern University and with whom Anderson had a previous working relationship, to brainstorm with her team on district-wide policy and planning ideas, including critical placemaking to amplify cultural identities of local communities in the face of growing gentrification (Allen and Queen, 2018; Toolis, 2017).

Located in Boston City Council District 7, Northeastern University is spatially oriented towards Fenway, despite its adjacency to Roxbury, the South End, and Mission Hill—historically red-lined, working-class, Black and Latinx neighborhoods that are rapidly gentrifying (Pan 2020). Northeastern is part of an ever-expanding constellation of college and medical campuses in Boston, a global leader in the higher education, health care, and life sciences sectors. Notwithstanding community frustrations over Northeastern’s rapid growth and impact on housing pressures, various local organizations and change leaders engage with university staff, faculty, and students through teaching, research, and other initiatives. With Anderson and her team—including the newly hired chief of staff and directors of community relations, constituent services, and budget and operations—Song explored the ARTery as a planning framework for promoting neighborhood-scale commercial, social, and cultural activity along D7 streets. They investigated how the 3-mile route could stitch together arts and culture initiatives across the district—including city-designated Jazz Square in the South End, state-designated Roxbury Cultural District, and $164M Nubian Square Ascends project (Mason, 2022)—and further connect these with the Nubian Square and Grove Hall main streets (Figure 3).

Participatory planning and design research
The participatory planning and design research for the ARTery integrated two key components: community-based planning and advocacy led by Anderson with D7 partners, and Song’s teaching and research on architecture and urban planning topics at Northeastern University over three semesters—Spring, Summer, and Fall 2022. To start, students in a spring 2022 graduate-level architecture seminar mapped community assets and landmarks with the D7 Office (Figures 4 and 5). They also interviewed local Black artists on reuse concepts for city-owned parcels and fallow sites along the ARTery that would enable community members to occupy and develop creative projects, programs, and small businesses in the future (Figure 6). On site, the class worked with the D7 directors of constituent services and community relations to conduct street audits of the planned ARTery route, and canvas local businesses, neighborhood establishments, and community members to learn what city agencies could do to generate activity along the streets.
A summer research team—comprising a public policy doctoral student and human services undergraduate major—followed up on the street audits and canvassing conducted by the spring class—analyzing data files, conducting another round of street audits and canvassing to fill in the gaps, and synthesizing needed city actions and improvements. A fall 2022 studio enrolling architecture and urban planning students then continued site investigations, conducted archival research on important sites of cultural heritage and memory along the ARTery (Figure 7), and worked with D7 community leaders on design concepts and guides for the ARTery. For the final outputs, they co-designed mini-guides for beautifying local businesses, creating public art, activating vacant lots, repurposing churches, and improving walkability/street safety (Figures 8-11).

![A black-and-white aerial photograph of a city is titled “PUBLIC ART OPPORTUNITIES IN THE ARTery.” A route through the map is marked with colored circles. A key to the right of the map is titled “Proposed Typologies” and identifies the colored circles as Street Lights, Electric Boxes, Shutters, Murals, Ground Murals, and Mini Murals.]](
![Three columns are labeled “Bus Station,” “Ice Skating Park,” and “Music Square.” Below each label are two images. Bus Station: A bus shelter comprised of two columns supporting a flat roof over a bench. One image shows a bus in front of the shelter and is captioned “Moving the bus stops inward will provide a safer environment for passengers to board and get off, as well as avoid traffic congestion caused by stops.” In the other image, two people sit in the bus shelter with a fountain to the side. The caption reads, “A sheltered bus station offers a more welcoming waiting environment for residents and an electronic information board can keep people informed about upcoming buses, local businesses, and resources in the area.” Ice Skating Park: In one image, broad, curving concrete steps lead up to an area with tall columns and trees. The caption reads, “The addition of landscaped steps and public seating improves the accessibility and welcoming character of the public space.” In the other image, ice skaters skate at an outdoor rink in the snow; there is a decorated tree in the background. The caption reads, “This common will have multiple applications throughout the year. The space will be used as an ice skating rink in the winter, and an open plaza in the other seasons. Music Square: In one image there is a concrete plaza with raised grassy areas for trees. People sit on the low walls that surround the raised areas while a band plays on a raised stage. The caption reads, “A sheltered performance stage can increase usage of the music square.” The other image is a different view of the same area, with a caption reading, “Outdoor Musical Instruments can add interest to the square and active [sic] the space.”](

Pedagogical approach and teaching methods
Song’s pedagogical approach and teaching methods for the Northeastern courses were partly geared towards preparing students, who were mostly whites and Asians in their 20s from relatively privileged class backgrounds and new to the area, to conduct such hands-on work with D7 partners. Beginning at the individual level, students mapped their personal and social identities and drew cognitive maps of both where they grew up and were now living. In groups of two or three, they used the maps to then unpack their positionality and privilege, while the larger class debrief emphasized corresponding cognitive biases and blind spots and the necessity and power of working in solidarity and complementarity with D7 partners on the ARTery planning framework and design concepts. Class reading assignments and informational videos introduced different drivers, mediating conditions, and effects of urban displacement (Chapple, 2020; Eviction Lab, 2018; UC Berkeley Urban Displacement Project, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, and The Great Communities Collaborative, 2017), while in-class discussions applied these to District 7 (including Northeastern’s problematic practices of institutional land banking and expansion). Learning about neighborhood histories, assets, and community-led struggles for racial, economic, and spatial justice was important to this process, as was using university archives and oral history collections from Roxbury and the South End. In the participatory research phase, blended teams of urban planning and architecture students enhanced analytical and design competency, while internal class debriefs and reflections helped the class troubleshoot challenges and develop strategies of co-creating actionable knowledge with D7 partners.
Initial results and reflections
Anderson and her team shared the ARTery research with the D7 Advisory Council, comprising over forty neighborhood association leaders, and at town halls and community listening sessions. Within the City of Boston, the team presented findings from the community asset mapping, artist interviews, street audits, and canvassing to the Chiefs of Economic Opportunity and Inclusion; Arts and Culture, Environment, Energy, and Open Space; and Streets to gain unanimous support for the ARTery initiative. To translate voiced commitments into concrete actions by the City of Boston, Anderson filed a city council resolution to establish the ARTery and gained start-up funding of $1.6M through the city budget. She also successfully advocated for an ARTery program coordinator position to be created within the Office of Arts and Culture (Supplement A). The new position was uniquely structured to serve the goals of the ARTery by working collaboratively between the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture and other City departments and stakeholders that are involved city squares, streets, sidewalks, open spaces, and storefronts, operating as a place-based program in District 7, and helping inform municipal placemaking practices across Boston, including other racialized and historically-disinvested neighborhoods. In addition to hiring the program coordinator, the Office put out a Request for Proposals for artists and teams to reface businesses, produce murals, and organize events along the D7 ARTery (Supplement B). The RFP was written with the intent of providing direct hiring and contracting opportunities to local artists, activists, and entrepreneurs, who are often excluded from spatial planning and development in their own neighborhoods.
With the ARTery soon to break ground, it remains to be seen to what extent and how the participatory planning and design research informs arts-based and artist-inclusive street activations and improvements by the City of Boston in ways that reinforce the cultural identities of D7 communities. Certainly, the creation of vibrant, interwoven spaces of public, private, and occupiable claim that invite necessary, optional, and social uses of the street in historically-marginalized communities will require multi-pronged, concerted measures over time. Meanwhile, Anderson and the D7 Office continue their ongoing work of connecting D7 constituents with city departments, programs, and services while shaping the latter to more effectively address racial injustices and inequities across the city’s bureaucratic silos by focusing on community desires and needs at the neighborhood scale. At Northeastern, Song is in the third year of retooling architecture and urban planning courses to engage community-based organizing and advocacy in D7. Notwithstanding the ARTery’s early stage, the project has reaffirmed the team’s commitment to repurposing academic and government machinery to reckon with, repair, and transform sources of historical and ongoing injustices through community-based spatial planning and investments.
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