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Special Collection

Creating Knowledge in Common

Shannon Criss, Kevin Hamilton, Mary Pat McGuire

Universities and communities are partnering together to more fully support needs across society. Art and design practices engaged within these partnerships substantively deepen the impact of this collective work through expression, visualization, representation, and exhibition, converging multiple viewpoints into broader re-imaginings and tangible new creations with both rational and emotional force. This special collection shares stories of such partnerships and their extraordinary outcomes in areas including community health, community arts, placekeeping, climate adaptation design, food production and distribution, abolition, student learning and engagement and more.

Index and Guide

This Ground Works collection brings together contributors from disparate disciplines and contexts whose forms, practices, and outcomes of collaborative partnering invite unexpected comparative assessments, revealing likely and unlikely connections among them. A keyword structure facilitates discovery among these, with editor-assigned “tags” inviting navigation and exploration.

For more on these and our broader reflections on this collection, see the longer introductory essay.






Creating Knowledge in Common © 2024 by Shannon Criss, Kevin Hamilton, and Mary Pat McGuire is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0


November 14, 2024






The editors wish to thank the many individuals who gave countless hours to the shaping of this special collection from its earliest conception through the submission and review process, editing and eventual publication. The collection itself, like the projects included within, reflects the tremendous amount of labor necessary to achieving projects justly and rightly for which little in the way of templates or precedents exist. As within arts-integrative research more broadly, efforts that chart new paths, when done rightly, often require additional work and care to ensure rigor, inclusion, and documentation of process. The Ground Works editorial process, up to and even including the new CRediT-FAIR system for recognizing contributors, has been an ideal framework for exercising such care. The editors are glad to offer their thanks to the following:

Veronica Stanich, Managing Editor of Ground Works, deserves first thanks and recognition for her tireless, patient, curious, and principled leadership of this collection’s realization across multiple roles, with project administration and supervision not least among them. She deserves all the credit for the very conceptualization of Ground Works as a best-in-class peer-reviewed platform that models right, humane, rigorous, and caring approaches to all contributors at every stage of involvement.

Daragh Byrne, Technical Director of Ground Works, drew from both his history with the conceptualization of this review platform and rigor as a scholar and designer to provide critical input to the process, and essential contributions to the production (technical) associated with the collection’s online manifestation as a beautifully-designed reader experience.

The authors and contributors for each of this collection’s ten entries deserve our great thanks not only for their writing across multiple drafts and edits, but for their tremendous patience with our sometimes multiple returns for further clarification (and over long periods while we sometimes ourselves struggled to return to the work among our many commitments).

The following were key to supporting the editors’ conceptualization of this issue at initial stages through review and critical input of the call for submissions:

  • Julienne Greer
  • Amy Hillis
  • Maija Mallula
  • Maria C. Olivares
  • Norma Saldivar
  • Garrett Schumann
  • Laura Shackelford
  • Veronica Stanich
  • Other members of the 2023 Ground Works Editorial Board (Byrne, Cass, Fraser, Kang, Knochel, Lorek, McNair, Mercer, Noble, Ordway, Sutters)
  • Members of the 2023 Ground Works Advisory Board (Ball, Beck, Chambliss, Malina)

Fulfilling Ground Works’ model for suitability review at Stage One, the following individuals reviewed preliminary submissions relative to the criteria for this special collection. As such their contributions deserve recognition for the writing they provided through forms of review and editing:

  • Audrey G. Bennet
  • Rodrigo Cadiz
  • J.R. Campbell
  • Robin Cass
  • Zachary Duer
  • Julienne Greer
  • Eric Handman
  • Alexandra Harbold
  • Luvada Harrison
  • Mihyun Kang
  • Julian Kilker
  • Jinku Kim
  • Lisa McNair
  • Lisa Mercer
  • Maria C. Olivares
  • Cristián Opazo
  • Kirsi Peltomaki
  • Nicole Hodges Persley
  • Norma Saldivar
  • Garrett Schumann
  • Laura Shackelford
  • Stephen Taylor
  • Jacqueline Wernimont

The editors are especially thankful for the yet deeper work and reflection provided by Stage Two reviews of submissions’ full narratives and media. In addition to providing critical writing (review and editing) contributions, they also lent essential reflective analysis to our review of submissions and subsequent revisions. These included: 

  • John Arroyo
  • Audrey G. Bennett
  • Ruth Nicole Brown
  • Juanli Carrion
  • José Cotto
  • Ronit Eisenbach
  • Shelly Goebl-Parker
  • Lissy Goralnik
  • Nils Gore
  • Seojoo Han
  • Maria Harrington
  • Erin James
  • Julian Kilker
  • Emily Kutil
  • Claire Latane
  • Kelley Lemon
  • Indrani Margolin
  • Morna McDermott McNulty
  • Lisa Mercer
  • Erkin Özay
  • Nalini Prakash
  • Michaele Pride
  • Maura Rockcastle
  • Garrett Schumann
  • Laura Shackelford
  • Joshua Stein
  • Tamara Underiner
  • Allison Upshaw
  • Frederick van Amstel
  • Marion Wilson
  • Daniel Winterbottom
  • Şevin Yildiz

And finally (within the evolution of this collection) the following returned to review the entire issue in draft form to provide essential reflective analysis and validation of the results of our work as editors:

  • John Arroyo
  • Ruth Nicole Brown
  • José Cotto

As powerful as the CRediT-Fair system is for recognizing the many ways in which others contributed to a work like this, it still does not adequately allow for the recognition of those who have been present throughout the formation of this collection, supporting it through encouragement, presence, curiosity, and hospitality, such as Nils Gore. And for love and ever present investigation, we thank the creatures Hank, Luna, Monte, Patsy, Remi, and Ruthie.


Shannon Criss: Conceptualization, Methodology, Project administration, Reflective Analysis, Writing – original draft
Kevin Hamilton: Conceptualization, Methodology, Project administration, Reflective Analysis, Writing – original draft
Mary Pat McGuire: Conceptualization, Methodology, Project administration, Reflective Analysis, Writing – original draft
Daragh Byrne: Conceptualization, Production - Technical, Visualization
Veronica Stanich: Conceptualization, Project administration, Supervision, Writing – review & editing, Methodology, Reflective Analysis
Julienne Greer: Conceptualization Writing – review & editing
Amy Hillis: Conceptualization
Maria Olivares: Conceptualization Writing – review & editing
Norma Saldivar: Conceptualization Writing – review & editing
Garrett Schumann: Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing, Reflective Analysis
Laura Shackelford: Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing, Reflective Analysis
Robin Cass: Conceptualization Writing – review & editing
Cassandra Fraser: Conceptualization
Mihyun Kang: Conceptualization Writing – review & editing
Aaron D. Knochel: Conceptualization
Amy Lorek: Conceptualization
Lisa McNair: Conceptualization Writing – review & editing
Lisa Mercer: Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing, Reflective Analysis
Melissa Noble: Conceptualization
Scott Ordway: Conceptualization
Justin Sutters: Conceptualization
Cheryl Ball: Conceptualization
Stephen Beck: Conceptualization
Julian Chambliss: Conceptualization
Roger Malina: Conceptualization
Maija Mallula: Conceptualization
Audrey G. Bennett: Writing – review & editing Reflective Analysis
Cristián Opazo: Writing – review & editing
JR Campbell: Writing – review & editing
Zach Duer: Writing – review & editing
Eric Handman: Writing – review & editing
Alexandra Harbold: Writing – review & editing
Luvada Harrison: Writing – review & editing
Julian Kilker: Writing – review & editing Reflective Analysis
Jinku Kim: Writing – review & editing
Kirsi Peltomäki: Writing – review & editing
Nicole Hodges Persley: Writing – review & editing
Stephen Taylor: Writing – review & editing
Jacqueline Wernimont: Writing – review & editing
John Arroyo: Reflective Analysis, Writing – review & editing, Validation
Ruth Nicole Brown: Reflective Analysis, Writing – review & editing, Validation
Juanli Carrion: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Jose Cotto: Reflective Analysis, Writing – review & editing, Validation
Ronit Eisenbach: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Shelly Goebl-Parker: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Lissy Goralnik: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Nils Gore: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Seojoo Han: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Maria Harrington: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Erin James: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Emily Kutil: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Kelley Lemon: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Indrani Margolin: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Morna McDermott McNulty: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Erkin Özay: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Nalini Prakash: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Michaele Pride: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Maura Rockcastle: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Joshua Stein: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Tamara Underiner: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Allison Upshaw: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Frederick van Amstel: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Marion Wilson: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Daniel Winterbottom: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Sevin Yildiz: Reflective Analysis Writing – review & editing
Rodrigo Cadiz: Writing – review & editing
Claire Latane: No contribution roles listed


Conceptualization: Shannon Criss, Kevin Hamilton, Mary Pat McGuire, Daragh Byrne, Veronica Stanich, Julienne Greer, Amy Hillis, Maria Olivares, Norma Saldivar, Garrett Schumann, Laura Shackelford, Robin Cass, Cassandra Fraser, Mihyun Kang, Aaron D. Knochel, Amy Lorek, Lisa McNair, Lisa Mercer, Melissa Noble, Scott Ordway, Justin Sutters, Cheryl Ball, Stephen Beck, Julian Chambliss, Roger Malina,, Maija Mallula.
Methodology: Shannon Criss, Kevin Hamilton, Mary Pat McGuire,, Veronica Stanich.
Project administration: Shannon Criss, Kevin Hamilton, Mary Pat McGuire,, Veronica Stanich.
Reflective Analysis: Shannon Criss, Kevin Hamilton, Mary Pat McGuire, Veronica Stanich, Garrett Schumann, Laura Shackelford, Lisa Mercer, Audrey G. Bennett, Julian Kilker, John Arroyo, Ruth Nicole Brown, Juanli Carrion, Jose Cotto, Ronit Eisenbach, Shelly Goebl-Parker, Lissy Goralnik, Nils Gore, Seojoo Han, Maria Harrington, Erin James, Emily Kutil, Kelley Lemon, Indrani Margolin, Morna McDermott McNulty, Erkin Özay, Nalini Prakash, Michaele Pride, Maura Rockcastle, Joshua Stein, Tamara Underiner, Allison Upshaw, Frederick van Amstel, Marion Wilson, Daniel Winterbottom,, Sevin Yildiz.
Writing – original draft: Shannon Criss, Kevin Hamilton,, Mary Pat McGuire.
Production - Technical: Daragh Byrne.
Visualization: Daragh Byrne.
Supervision: Veronica Stanich.
Writing – review & editing: Veronica Stanich, Julienne Greer, Maria Olivares, Norma Saldivar, Garrett Schumann, Laura Shackelford, Robin Cass, Mihyun Kang, Lisa McNair, Lisa Mercer, Audrey G. Bennett, Cristián Opazo, JR Campbell, Zach Duer, Eric Handman, Alexandra Harbold, Luvada Harrison, Julian Kilker, Jinku Kim, Kirsi Peltomäki, Nicole Hodges Persley, Stephen Taylor, Jacqueline Wernimont, John Arroyo, Ruth Nicole Brown, Juanli Carrion, Jose Cotto, Ronit Eisenbach, Shelly Goebl-Parker, Lissy Goralnik, Nils Gore, Seojoo Han, Maria Harrington, Erin James, Emily Kutil, Kelley Lemon, Indrani Margolin, Morna McDermott McNulty, Erkin Özay, Nalini Prakash, Michaele Pride, Maura Rockcastle, Joshua Stein, Tamara Underiner, Allison Upshaw, Frederick van Amstel, Marion Wilson, Daniel Winterbottom, Sevin Yildiz,, Rodrigo Cadiz.
Validation: John Arroyo, Ruth Nicole Brown,, Jose Cotto.
denotes by-line credit.